The Simple Secrets To Create Your Very Own Internet
Empire In Minutes, Not Hours!
So That You Can Discover The Exact And
Precise Steps That Will
Quickly Get Your Website
Live And Taking Payments, Even If You've
Never Made A Site In Your Life...!"
rikmortcoach @ gmail . com
am going to 'coach' you on how to build a working website, even if it's
your very first attempt!
If you follow these steps, you will have your very own 'working' sales
page, ready to receive payments.....
will learn to build one site after another, using my
Mastery 2.0" video training.
this is not going to be 'high-tech'....
I am not going to teach you how to build a WordPress site and load it
with all the latest plugins:
1. There is plenty of training out there that will teach you just that.
Just type what you want into YouTube!
2. WordPress is great, for a fully optimised 'main'
But, you just don't need all that for most of your websites.
If you are going to be earning a serious income, online, you will need
your own products, and the best way to sell each one is to create a 2
or 3 page site on it's own domain.
This is the 'very
latest' list building model.
Yeah, like what the BIG guys are doing in 2016!
Let's think, just for a few moments about some friends of mine who are
earning 'big
bucks' online using this
Study A:
Sean was the top author on eZine Articles for years. He was so far
ahead, it was ridiculous!
That was his main traffic source for a very long time.
But, with one (or more) of the Google search upgrades (such as Penguin
and Panda), suddenly article directories didn't show in the 'organic'
search results any more (well, not where you could see them, anyway)!
Sean lost a whole load of traffic....
So, he started launching WSOs on the Warrior Forum - one every week!
Yes, he became a product creation machine!
But, fast-forward to 2016, what is the situation, now?
You could still launch products on the Warrior Forum (and not need a
sales page at all)!
But, that is only one way of doing it, and it's a little 'old hat,'
What are marketers like Sean doing in 2016?
to dominate an affiliate platform:
1. Create your own products, fast...
2. Set them up on their own domain (where this training course comes
3. Add them to an affiliate platform, such as JVZoo...
4. Recruit affiliates...
5. Build a 'buyers'
list and earn an 'autopilot'
We could call this the 'Affiliate Platform Domination' model!
Study B:
Chad took a slightly different approach. You could say, this is the
'lazy man's way of doing this.'
Instead of creating his own products, he re-branded Master Resale
Rights products!
So, he bought products with rights, and re-purposed them into his own
What happened?
He sold 1,000s and 1,000s of dollars worth!
We could call this the Re-brand Resale Rights model!
do these TWO business models have in common?
Maybe a few things....
But, for our purposes, right now, one thing they share is the need to
create minisites, fast!
That's exactly what my 'Minisite Mastery 2.0' videos will show you.
Why not take a look inside?:
So, there you have a complete 'step-by-step' approach, to setting up a
simple 'sales site,' even if you've never done it before!
Before you start this course, you may have nothing...
...when you've finished, you will have a working site that your
visitors can buy from!
As you practice, you will get very fast at getting these 'minisites'
But, let's not get ahead of ourselves:
Let's just think about the value of one site like this:
Imagine you had one site like this, with a simple $7 product for your
customers to buy.
Imagine you got 1,000 visitors per month (dead easy).
Imagine 10% bought. They might not do that when they first see your
product offering, but if this was in your autoresponder, 10% is quite
So, that would be $700 every month from one simple website.
That's $8,400 a year....
You can see where this is going.
The figures I've chosen for this example aren't outrageous.
10 little websites, like this, that performed at that level, would
bring in an $84,000 a year income!
So, my question must be, what would you pay for such an income?
If you were to buy a franchise, of some kind, you usually pay around 10
x the annual profit.
(They do that to filter out 'tyre kickers,' etc.)
Now, of course, we are not talking that kind of level.
This is a digital product that needs to be studied and implemented.
But, no step has been left out. (You even get my own personal PayPal
script that enables you to set-up one-time PayPal payments without ever
logging into PayPal, including editing the amount, later, etc.)
what is this really worth?
What would it mean to you to set-up just one of these mini-sites and
get $700 a month from it?
OK, so it might take a few times to get a site that pumps out
green-backs like an ATM on steroids!
And, I realise that if you are no good at getting traffic the whole
thing is dead in the water!
But, that is all you need:
1. Get this training, learn how to create these minisites, and get them
out there.
2. Get traffic to them. (By the way, you could learn how to drive
traffic by just studying videos on YouTube, too)!
$700 a month....?
That has to be worth $700, at least.
We are talking in 'normal' business terms, here, not 'what IMers
normally sell stuff for!'
But, I know that would put this training out of most people's league....
Plus, if you could afford $700, you could get your websites built for
What about one tenth?
That's $70
It's worth that....
But, no, I am not going to charge you that, today...
Not $57
Not $47
But, only $37, if you buy today.
Just $37 to start building your Internet empire....
OK, one more thing:
is fully guaranteed for 30 days!
If for any reason you are not happy, you can get a refund.
If you don't like my style, or whatever....
You have 30 days to try this out, with absolutely no risk.
How many minisites can you build in 30 days?
You will get every penny back, if you ask for a refund!
"Alright, Richard, the price is good. I like the fact that I can get a
refund within 30 days, but who are you?"
I am glad you asked....
Let me let you see just one testimonial I received from a coaching
I think that says
it all....
Grab this training, right now!
Just click the 'Add-To-Cart' button, below....
You will be taken to PayPal (via my secret script)
After you pay, you can hit the 'Return' button to download these videos
In a few short minutes you can start building your Internet empire!
Here To Get Started
Right Away!
Rodney Road,
Gloucestershire, GL50 1HX,
United Kingdom |